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Three Things Every Man Can Do At Home

by National Men's Ministries on October 18, 2024

Are you faithfully fulfilling your role as a spiritual leader at home? Do you know how? Here are three practical things every Christ-following man can do at home.

1) Anoint Sick Family Members With Oil

Yes! You don’t need to be an ordained minister to do this. When someone is sick, get some oil from the pantry, read James 5:13-16 out loud, lay on hands, and anoint the sick person while praying “the prayer of faith.”

2) Lead Your Family to Take Communion

Again, you don’t need to be ordained to do this. Use whatever you have: bread, crackers, juice, or another beverage. 1 Corinthians 11 and Matthew 26 are great verses to read out loud. It’s very easy. You can do this!


3) Ask Questions!

You’ll connect better with your family by asking questions, rather than making statements. What have you learned about God lately? Has God spoken to your heart about anything? How can I pray for you? What questions do you have about Jesus? You might be surprised how they respond and what you learn together.


Want More?

One of the best ways to grow spiritually and learn to lead in your home and where you live/work is to be involved in an active discipleship process. To help men do this, we've made available more than 400 discipleship lessons (60 in Spanish) at men.ag.org and the Men's Ministries app. These are all free, easy to download and share, and designed specifically for men. There are dozens of Bible book studies, topical studies, parenting helps, marriage studies, and practical how-tos.

National Men's Ministries

Encouraging every man to be committed to his home, his church, and his community. Email [email protected] or visit men.ag.org.