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Light for the Lost provides evangelistic resources for missionaries and missionary partners through five platforms: print, audio, video, internet technologies, and apps.

LFTL Fueling Evangelism in the Muslim World

by LFTL Staff on August 16, 2024

More Muslims are coming to faith in Christ than any other time in history! Assemblies of God World Missions personnel throughout the globe are realizing this fact and acting upon it.

Light for the Lost funds are used by global workers to communicate the gospel using many innovative methods. These include Bible distributions, creating gospel apps for mobile devices, and maintaining evangelistic websites with videos and live chat rooms so Muslims can engage with the gospel in secret.

In one particular Muslim nation, more than 20,000 secret house churches (usually between three and six persons) meet regularly to study LFTL resources and use them for evangelism. These underground churches require that each member confess faith in Christ, be baptized in water, and frequently share their new faith with others.

"There is such an incredible hunger for the gospel, which is often banned in many Islamic cultures," says Dan Kersten, LFTL Communications Director. "But making the gospel illegal or forbidden merely whets the curiosity of Muslims to find it and read it for themselves. LFTL is thrilled to be able to help dozens of global workers satisfy that curiosity about Jesus."

Why are many Muslims now curious to know more about Jesus? A grow discontent with Islam and its failure to address the human problem of sin, as well as increasingly violent rhetoric and actions, have caused millions of Muslims to question what they believe and why. The result is a tidal wave of people who are seeking to learn about Jesus.

"We need prayer and financial support lie never before, in order to evangelize the Muslim world like never before," says Rick Allen, National LFTL Director. "Literally every second, of every minute, of every day someone in a Muslim context is accessing or using a LFTL-funded evangelism resource. This is thrilling! But the task is not yet finished and we need the continued support of our ministry partners everywhere."

To help LFTL provide evangelism resources for use in Muslim contexts, click here. The project name is "LFTL-Global Unv Upper Room."


LFTL Staff